Divine Battle Hymn

by Aug 8, 2023

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes.

In the years 1527 and 1549, Martin Luther composed the hymn “Mighty Castle is our God”, with the purpose of reforming the church. In the midst of battle, his goal was to uplift our God and remember that He is the only thing we truly need. Both anciently and today, the church has attempted to correct certain doctrines, but in the process has distorted one of the most important: the doctrine of justification. By distorting it, we run the risk of misunderstanding the true nature of God and how He justifies us. The Apostle Paul talks about justification in Romans.

At that time, the church adopted an attitude of wanting to add or amend what the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ had already done. They turned God into a soldier instead of seeing him as a general, and stopped recognizing him as our Strong Castle to only make him a resting place. However, we must change that perspective.

God is our Strong Castle, who gives us peace and rest, and strengthens us in the midst of difficulties. When we believe that we don’t need his strength and prompt help from him, and that we can solve everything by ourselves, we fall into sin. In those moments, God ceases to be our quick help because we do not seek his help. It is important to remember that our faith is a gift from God, as it says in Ephesians, because He grants us faith so that no one can boast of having achieved it by their own means.

Justification is a legal decree of the just Judge, where the condemnation is removed and we receive forgiveness. During the Reformation era, this truth was diluted, but we can see in Psalm 46 that the Scriptures are the highest authority in matters of faith and practice. Only in Christ we find salvation and only to God be the glory. They wanted us to believe that our works would save us, but his word makes it clear that we are only saved by faith and by his grace. Luther was inspired by the Psalm where it is declared that God is Jehovah of hosts and that all that rises against Him will be silenced and defeated. We must recognize the sovereignty of God.

God’s new covenant with us is a testimony of his love for us. We must understand that He is God and that He will always be our Strong Castle. Our strength comes from Him, and He will never forsake us.

Sincerely, Jerry DeOleo

Biblical references:

  • Ezekiel 36:22
  • Psalm 23:3
  • Psalm 46
  • Isaiah 33:2
  • Romans 5
  • Ephesians 2


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