Glorious Day

by Apr 1, 2024

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes.

Today we commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, a glorious day that reminds us of his sacrifice for us. The resurrection of Jesus brings us restoration and hope, as Romans 8:31-34 states. God gave us his Son as the greatest gift, and if he has given us the best, won’t he also give us everything else we need? We, as his chosen ones, are justified by God and there is no condemnation for us, since Christ died and rose again for us.

On this glorious day, we remember that Jesus fought and conquered for us, giving us victory over sin and death. All we have to do to be saved is believe in him and admit our sinful condition. Jesus came to pay the ultimate price for our freedom, shedding his spotless blood on the cross.

Jesus opened our minds to understand the Scriptures and called us to be witnesses of his love and grace. We are now free from sin and can live an abundant life in it. Let us remember that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, and that his sacrifice gives us access to eternal life. May this glorious day fill us with gratitude and motivate us to share the message of salvation with others.

Sincerely, Pastor Guillermo Ayala
Bible Verse:

  • Romans 8:31-34
  • Luke 24:44-48


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