Reading Time: 4 Minutes.
“I Am” in Hebrew is Yahveh and that name is found in the Old Testament more than 6,500 times.
In Exodus Moses asked God’s name, and he answered “I Am” who I am.
When the people were already in the desert and diseases began due to disobedience, we see our God with the name “Jehovah Rafa” our healer.
If you are sick, confess he is my healer and you must make him yours.
When in Leviticus Moses was establishing the law of holiness, in verse 8 he told them: “keep my statutes and put it by the work of the Lord who sanctifies them.”
In this indescribable holiness when we approach him, he sanctifies us, that is why when a person approaches God and believes, that person is not the same again.
Jehovah Mekaddesh means I am your sanctifier, what we need is to approach the source of sanctification that he is.
Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet, and God speaks to him saying “I am Jehovah.” Justice in Hebrew is Tsidkenu and it also says I am: “Jehovah Shammah”, I am with you.
You may feel alone, without a friend, but the Lord is with you all the time as a mighty giant.
King David was persecuted many times and also many times he did not know what to do, but he went to the source that is our Lord and wrote Psalm 23: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Jehovah Roi
Abraham God gave him a son in old age, and God asked him as a sacrifice. On the way to the mountain with his son, and the son asks his father: where is the lamb?, and he replied, Jehovah provides. Abraham knew the Lord well and loved him, the Lord had to stop him because he knew he was an obedient man and provided him with an animal for sacrifice.
The Lord revealed himself to Isaiah as Jehovah Sabaoth, which means: “The Lord fights for you.”
I tell you, trust in Jehovah, he is the one who fights your battles and goes for you as a powerful giant, and has a fence of glory because he is our liberator. How can we not love a God like that?
When our Lord Jesus comes to earth he personifies the “I Am”, John says in the Bible: “He is the verb incarnate, he is God among us. “
In the book of John Jesus said: I am the bread of life, Jesus said I am the light of the world. That is why it is said that he who walks with Jesus will never walk in darkness, Jesus also said you are the light of the world and the salt of this earth.
I am the door, I am the way, the truth and the life and no one sees the Father if it is not through me. I am the good shepherd, I am the true vine, you are the branches and apart from me you can do nothing.
For those who do not know Jesus and ask you a question, what name do you call your God? Let’s take the example of Peter: “You are the Christ of the living God”, and Jesus told him Peter did not reveal it to you, neither flesh nor blood revealed it to you, my father who is in heaven.
God has revealed himself to us with these names so that we know him and so that you can live in him with full freedom and joy. We must also be faithful to the call.
May the Lord bless you
Pr Guillermo Ayala
- Exodus 3:1-14 – 15:26
- Leviticus 20:8
- Jeremiah 23:6
- Ezekiel 48:35
- genesis 22
- John 28