we search The difference is what is the source of that joy, that joy, that happiness. The
The vast majority of people look for this at parties, parties, drinks, vacations, a
better house, a better car, but all these material things are temporary, they are not
lasting, the joy of having a car, a new house, a new cell phone lasts only a short time,
those dream vacations ended sooner than we expected and we return to our
harsh day-to-day reality. We will find permanent joy in our lives
only in God, knowing that He has saved me from eternal damnation, that He has
given life and life in abundance, that He has given me a purpose to live.
1. Your greatest source of joy should be the greatest miracle: Your salvation
The Greek word for joy is chara and is defined as “joy, quiet delight, contentment, being
exceedingly joyful” and the Greek word for grace is charis, which means unmerited favor. Do you see a
very close relationship between charis and chara? This is because joy is an absolute assumption in the
funny. Joy is literally written in grace!
This is an important point to remind mature believers, because sometimes we assume
seated our salvation. We become accustomed to the idea that we are saved and that we have a
right relationship with Christ. We need to be reminded of the miracle of our salvation. This
It is also illustrated in the parable of the treasure hidden in a field found in Matthew 13:44.
Happiness or joy is not something we create on our own. Flows from a heart centered on
Christ. Joy is a continuous state of mind and heart for the disciple of Christ. is present
when life is peaceful and pain-free, and present when life revolves around us, chaotic
and turbulent.
The Scriptures argue that joy is more than just a feeling we experience when we experience things.
things are going well:
2My brothers, count it all joy when you find yourself in various
3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” (James 1:2–3 RV60)“
2 fixing your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, who for the joy set before him
He endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2 RV60).
2. See Jesus as your source of joy in all things
The fruit of the Spirit is an image of Christ himself. How wonderful when we have practiced well
patience or kindness or we are faithful in what God has called us to do, but it is difficult to express all
the fruits while we are still working on our salvation. However, we can look at Jesus as
our source of joy in all things. We can practice finding joy in things
small, mundane things, places where joy can be difficult to locate. If God is there,
so no matter how difficult things are, joy can be found there too. Search the
Joy is a spiritual discipline, and when we exercise that muscle, it will grow.
As I have explained throughout this series, the fruit of the Spirit is not emotions or feelings, but
rather they are conditions of the heart, of the soul, and we can always find joy in Jesus, in following
His footsteps, that He be the center of our existence, of everything we do on this earth is
permeated by his presence. The Apostle Paul was able to experience that joy despite writing from
prison, he was imprisoned for the cause of Christ and that changed everything in his life, because it was for the
because of the one who had saved him and called him to serve that he was passing through prisons. Just like that
way we can experience that joy in moments of tribulation, in the problems of life
everyday. You can say: “If God is for me, who can be against me”, Hallelujah.
3. You can experience that joy in any circumstance
Joy is sustainable in a way that happiness cannot. You have to acquire the habit of
find joy in what we do, for example: even when you return home after a hard day,
Maybe things didn’t go well, you feel tired, out of spirit, you can recharge your batteries along the way,
so that when you get home, God through his Holy Spirit ministered to you on the way, and you could
download all those emotions into them, and allow them to renew you, to lift your spirits, to
minister joy, because I enjoy it, as Nehemiah 8:10 says: “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” No
If you allow the enemy or circumstances to steal your joy, remember that joy is based on Christ, on
what He already did for you on the cross of Calvary, you are his son, his daughter, and you have your Heavenly Father who is
taking care of your life, so when you get home, you don’t unload all those negative emotions on
your spouse or your children, but you have not allowed the Holy Spirit to change the exhaustion, the wear and tear, and
renew for his glory.
Joy in a difficult situation can be illustrated by the emotion felt after a woman
gives birth. She has suffered and worked very hard to give birth to the baby, but she immediately feels joy
when she sees the face of her son. The joy can be indescribable in those intense and
Sincerely, Pastor Guillermo Ayala
bible verses
Matthew 13:44.
James 1:2–3
Hebrew 12:2